What We Do
Livestock Farming
FFM Group diversified downstream into broiler day-old-chicks breeding and production of table eggs through a wholly-owned subsidiary, FFM Farms Sdn Bhd in 1993.
Breeder Farms
FFM Farms Sdn Bhd (FFM Farms) owns two modern, closed-housing broiler breeder parent stock farms in Sua Betong, Negeri Sembilan and Gurun, Kedah, on lands with a total area of 67 hectares and 101 hectares, respectively. FFM Farms produces more than 3 million premium quality day-old-chicks under the brand "Swarney Select" every month.
Layer Farms
FFM Farms operates a layer farm as well on a 222-hectare land in Trong, Perak producing more than 20 million respectively eggs a month. Eggs sold under the ‘Seri Murni’ brand are "Seri Murni Fresh Eggs" and “Seri Murni Premium Eggs”.
Organic Fertilizers
FFM Farms also produces organic fertilizer using chicken manure that has been completely composted into a near odourless plant food, marketed under the brand name of 'Origanic'. The fertilizer is mostly sold in 25 kg bags.
All three farms are certified by the Department of Veterinary Services under the "Malaysian Good Agricultural Practices (MyGAP)" for compliance with the Good Farming Practices Scheme criteria. The Trong Layer Farm continues to be MS ISO 9001:2008 certified for Quality Management System in egg production.
For enquiries, contact:
PT 45125, Batu 15 1/2, Sungai Pelong, 47000, Sungai Buloh, Selangor.
Telephone: +60361457888
Email: marketing@ffmb.com.my